Maryland National Capital Homecare Association

MNCHA members believe that in a time of rapidly escalating healthcare costs, patients deserve to be treated with dignity and be given a chance to receive care in their homes surrounded by their friends and loved ones. Home care reduces costs, provides quality services to patients at home, and assists family members in caring for the aged, disabled, or injured at home. This is what we advocate to our state officials, the Maryland General Assembly, and our congressional representatives.

The MNCHA Conference was especially informative this year.  Our 5 Top Take-Aways are:

  1. Maryland has the opportunity to be a national leader in healthcare:  Reducing Hospital Readmissions & More
  2. Compliance is key!
  3. COMAR (Code of Maryland Regulations)
  4. Developing Acute/Post-Acute Collaborative Partnerships:  Home care’s role in care transitions
  5. Legislative Updates